Introductory Programs
Learn-to Scull
- July 20, 2024
- 6am – 12pm
CFRRC offers a learn to scull class for active members at least once per year. In the class, rowers learn sculling basics (rowing with 2 oars) so that they can row in the quad (4X), double (2X) or training single (1X) during team rows. After completion of the LTS program, members can join the Sculling Development Group. Sign up in iCrew.

Sculling Development Clinic

One Weekend Each Month
After completion of the Learn to scull program, members have the option to sign up for the monthly sculling development clinic (SDC) to further their sculling knowledge. One weekend per month, you will get assigned a seat in a sculling boat. Members who would like to advance their sculling skills should join this group.